Saturday 30 September 2023



Wonder why ANTIFA aren't outraged by the Canadian Parliament applauding a Nazi?


Friday 29 September 2023



It seems rather bizarre that certain people around the globe have all decided to immigrate to various locations all at exactly the same time.
Like, as if these millions of immigrants all happened to get the same idea simultaneously.
A very unlikely coincidence I would say.
Therefore, if it is not coincidence, it must be orchestrated.
And if it is orchestrated, there must be an agenda behind it.
An orchestrated agenda means there is an agency source activating it.
That also means the immigrant invasions around the globe are fake.
This in turn confirms there must be an ulterior motive involved.
Now wonder what that could be?
Invasion leads to ......


Thursday 28 September 2023



The illegal immigrants who have invaded USA may be looking for employment one day.
It might be a good idea to give them all a job as street cleaners and have them clean up the mess they've made.


Wednesday 27 September 2023



I know how to quadruple Bassetts sales.
Firstly, it's not everyone who likes liquorice.
I for one, don't.
I've also observed many times, kids screwing their face up with dislike of the taste and also spitting liquorice out.
Secondly, when it comes to Bassetts Liquorice Allsorts, I have noticed that a lot of kids do like the coconut candy aspect of the sweets as they often nibble those areas off, then throw the liquorice bits away.
So to solve this, all Bassetts need to do is manufacture Chocolate Allsorts.
Everyone likes chocolate. I've never seen anybody screw their face up with the dislike of it or spit chocolate out.
If Bassetts replaced the liquorice part of their Allsorts with chocolate, it's a win win scenario.
Sales would increase x 4 and there would be no more half-chewed discarded liquorice to throw in the bin.


Tuesday 26 September 2023



Some people think that zebra crossings are painted on the road using black & white paint.
Quite a logical thought I suppose.
But it is only white paint used. The tar of the road is the black part.
When cartooning however, black ink on white paper is used for the stripes.
Opposite of the real thing.


Monday 25 September 2023



It's about time the Met Office replaced their weather satellite imagery with a more accurate grey tones chart.


Sunday 24 September 2023



I find it quite funny when people say they saw a ghost.
You'd think that a ghost is a ghost and they would all have the same capabilities, but there seems to be a different type of ghost for every occasion.
There is the ghost who resides in one particular room and is stuck there forever.
There is the ghost who lurks in spooky woods.
There is the ghost who flies through the air.
There is the ghost who can make scary noises.
There is the ghost who can go through walls.
There is the ghost who travels on ships.
There is the ghost who hangs around the graveyard.
There is the ghost who can play musical instruments.
There is the ghost who has a set daily routine.
There is the ghost who will answer your call when summoned from a ouija board.
Then when ghost hunters go get recorded proof, the ghosts all manage to avoid detection.
The ghosts all appear to be very cooperative when it comes to people telling stories about their different encounters.
How convenient.


Saturday 23 September 2023



How many food products these days have the wording "May Contain Nuts" on the packaging, as an allergy warning?
A very large quantity.
What I'd like to know is, why do the manufacturers of those food products not know what ingredients go into what it is they are selling?
How are they able to list all the other ingredients and yet somehow not manage to notice if they put nuts into the recipe or not?
All the ingredients are laid out before making the product, if nuts are involved or not, that's when you'd spot it.!!


Friday 22 September 2023



Many times I've encountered city centre discos who had a certain dress code policy.
Mostly, for the guys it was, you're not allowed in wearing trainers and you have to wear a shirt & tie.
Not only did I not wear a tie, I never even owned one, so had to go to some place else.
But these "made-up" rules fail on a couple of levels.
1st - their thinking is based on, those who wear a shirt & tie are considered respectable and so therefore no trouble will take place and they may have more money to spend.
In reality, this was not the case, as the police were called to these discos more often than others.
The guys who ended up obeying this banal rule were not music lovers, but were generally small-minded, self-centred ignoramuses who thought they were impressing those around them.
This immature mentality would trigger rivalry because they all thought the same, that they were superior to each other. This created friction which is what always lead to trouble.
2nd - the music these discos played was usually dumbed-down mainstream corporate chart pop, not music that specialist clubs played, e.g. hip-hop, techno, funk etc.
The shirt & tie bozos were not music lovers, they went to their corny disco only to act out their delusional position in life.
Enforcing this dress code is nothing other than management saying "can you pretend to be someone that you're not because you're not allowed to be yourself in here".
So I wasn't missing out on anything both musically or in atmosphere.
That's why I opted to disco elsewhere, clubs that did specialize in certain dance music genres, because they had a scene to go with it stemming from the enthusiasm for the music, Soul, Reggae, House etc.
The people who went to those clubs were enthusiasts of those particular music scenes and there were no dress restrictions, so you were allowed to be yourself.
They went for the joy of the music and there was no trouble.
The shirt & tie mobs with all their self deception, missed out on all the good stuff.!!


Thursday 21 September 2023



Sometimes people seem to have a problem describing their problems.
This example here concerns the problems of having difficulty getting to sleep and having difficulty staying awake.
The problem lies in using the description "difficulty".
So to fix the problem, all you need to do is to not describe it as being difficult.
That means that the one who was previously described as having difficulty getting to sleep, can now be described as being "awake".
And the one who was previously described as having difficulty staying awake, can now be described as being "asleep".
Easy, no difficulty solving that problem..!!


Wednesday 20 September 2023



Here's how the Deep State and their governmental minions set about solving the problems they create...

"Instead of hoodwinking people with that idea, we'll hoodwink them with this idea."
"We'll replace that failed concept with this failed concept."
"Supersede that wrong-doing with this wrong-doing."
"Let's re-arrange that mess and re-word it like this."
Etc etc etc....

Get the gist of it?
They don't solve problems, they just invent more and keep adding to them.
The garbage heap of problems they invented is now a garbage mountain.


Tuesday 19 September 2023



When detergent brands have laundry based TV ads, they often present it as a "new improved" formula.
For example, when they use white clothes to display the performance of their latest new improved formula, they say things like "It has removed the nasty stains the previous product couldn't remove" or "It's a much brighter white than before", all that kind of nonsense.
However, they seem to keep on forgetting that they are referring to their own previous version of the same product, and not a rival brand.
When they were selling the previous version, they didn't say that it couldn't remove stains or that whites were duller, no, they actually used the same sales pitch as their current new improved formula..!!
So the next time out when they sell the same product and say they have a new improved formula, you can be sure that they will remind you that their current one couldn't remove nasty stains and had duller whites despite current opposing claims.
They've been repeating this never ending sales pitch loop for decades.!!


Monday 18 September 2023



The thin line between Incentive & Bribe disappears when a thesaurus definition describes both as - Inducement - Lure - Carrot - Enticement - Sweetener.
The supposed official difference is, incentive = legal, bribe = illegal.
However, there a twist to this is concept.
When doctors were given "incentive" payments to vaccinate people when Covid was around, most doctors were also given a warning that if they didn't vaccinate, they would lose their medical license, which of course would end their careers.
So with that threat hanging over them, it pushes it beyond being an incentive payment and becomes a corrupt reward, which is a bribe.
Is there a medical cure for the disease called corruption?


Sunday 17 September 2023



It's not only a certain bunch of Americans who don't want Trump to be re-elected as President, it's also a small faction around the globe.
Strange eh?
There seems to be no logic to have such a stance globally, so their position must be based on some criminal activity they are involved in which could be exposed if Trump wins again.
Listening to those who say they don't want Trump to win the next election is the same as witnessing someone admit they're guilty of crime..!!


Saturday 16 September 2023



Conflicts have jumped from hit targets being filmed by TV crews, to the cameras being built into missiles that reveal their bull's eye objective before impact.
Also, ground forces, agencies and police use body-cams to reveal their targets being hit.
All that death and destruction captured live on video in real time.
Then they display this footage as if it's entertainment.
It's like real life imitating the worst moronic video games.


Friday 15 September 2023



Japan has been famous for centuries for it's traditional skill of miniaturising trees as Bonsai.
Japan has also earned a more recent reputation for miniaturising just about everything when manufacturing modern technology.
I've gone one step further - miniaturising the entire country of Japan.!!
If you look closely, you will see that the map of Japan is now the foliage for my Bonsai.


Thursday 14 September 2023



We all remember the government trying to enforce "mandates" upon the populace when the phoney pandemic was in full flow a couple of years ago.
Some people, including myself, were aware that a mandate isn't a "Law", but is merely a request you can choose to obey or not.
You are not breaking a law by not agreeing to comply with a mandate.
But, and it's a big but, do the police not know this?
They have trapped themselves into a double defeat humiliation by both a no and yes answer.
If they say "No" they are not aware of this, then the police not knowing what is and isn't a law just makes them look stupid, which in turn dilutes their authority.
If they say "Yes" they are aware of this, then that also makes them look stupid because for example, they were the ones applying spot-fines when people were going about unmasked.
Police are supposed to be a law enforcement body, not robbers, and fining people for not breaking any law is robbery.
Are they going to reimburse all the people they fined for not wearing masks?
They may assess reimbursement would be them losing face!!
See their trap?


Wednesday 13 September 2023



Everything in a lawful court is based on evidence.
That's what judges and jury's make their decisions on.
When those on trial step into court, they first have to swear on the bible to confirm they are telling the truth.
The bible represents the word of god, but could a court provide evidence that god exists other than presenting a book written by scribes which has been tampered with over the centuries?
For example, if a document was presented as evidence at a trial, but it was proven to have been tampered with, it would lead to the document being dismissed.
It could be argued that court case procedures are a non-starter in the first place because of this historical bible tampering.


Tuesday 12 September 2023



Scotland is well known for its rain. Most people know that it rains rather a lot there.
Scotland is also well known for having invented the MacKintosh, aka raincoat.
MacKintosh is actually the brand name but it has become synonamous with the garment itself.
The MacKintosh brand is most popular in Japan, with 4 stores currently available to visit.
MacKintosh also have 1 store in London.
Strangely, that's all the shops they have in total - and there are NONE in Scotland.
The Scots have to miss out on their own invention.!!


Monday 11 September 2023



I did find it very amusing during the Covid farce a couple of years ago, when, along with masks, people started wearing rubber gloves in fear of the fantasy virus spreading.
Supermarket attendants, bank cashiers, postmen etc, all fumbling about in their jobs wearing ill-fitting rubber gloves.
Fake fear foist upon the gullible by the moronic media.
Remember in the 1980's they told you that you could catch AIDS from toilet seats?
Did the government set about removing toilet seats from public WC's? No.
Did the public go about carrying inflatable rubber rings to place on top of toilet seats when they had to visit a public WC? No.
Later, when the moronic media try again to convince everyone there is another virus in the air, followed by experts who say it can be spread by farting and so everyone needs to wear a butt plug, the gullible will go an get a butt plug..!!


Sunday 10 September 2023



Needless to say, I've never used a PCR test kit before. Never even seen one in real life.
I did see a few videos of them being trialed a couple of years ago, much to my amusement.
Applying liquids such as fizzy drinks, coffee and fruit juice, with these examples triggering a positive result.
So it's impossible for these Covid PCR test kits to have anything to do with DNA or any other medical phenomenon, when non human substances produced these outcomes.
It appeared to be nothing other than a chemical reaction trick, like the kind you'd get from a joke shop..!!


Saturday 9 September 2023



The last time I set foot in a doctors surgery was in 1988 when I opted to have my ears syringed.
My earwax became blocked a bit because of the overuse of my Walkman..!!
I've never been back to the doctor, or to hospital or even a chemist since, and I'm perfectly well.
There is an element of deception involved in the everyday medical world, however.
Example 1 - if you get an ache and you choose not to go to a doctor for a checkup, it often goes away naturally after a few days.
Example 2 - with the same ache as above but you do choose to visit a doctor for a checkup, after the examination they will probably state some problem then prescribe pills.
They would then tell you to use them for a week and make a return visit for an assessment.
Once the week is up, you revisit the doctor to tell him the ache has gone and everything is fine.
This result would be attributed to the pills they prescribed of course.
But, as in example 1, if the ache just disappears naturally after a few days, it didn't have anything to do with a doctor or pills.
The natural healing process just makes it seem like it was the pills that did the trick in example 2, because they were being used for the duration of a week.
The doctor and pills end up getting credit for something they merely encroached upon.


Friday 8 September 2023



The use of language has been corrupted in certain cultural areas to the extent that some words have no value.
Quite a few words have been given opposite meanings, which in turn, renders them worthless.
For example, in street slang, often used by rappers, they use the concept of "Bad" meaning Good - "Insane" meaning Awesome  - "Sick" meaning Impressive - "It's the Shit" meaning the Best of something - "Fire" meaning Amazing and so on.
Their definitions are wrong and carry no weight.
They quite literally view the world upside-down & wrong-way-round, which is preventing them communicate properly, therefore not allowing themselves to have a valid voice.
Think of the true meaning of the words bad, insane, sick, shit, fire... not very pleasant are they?
There is no reason to use those words as something favourable when there are plenty of upbeat words that can be used.
Why would you want to be a rapper when you don't even understand the words true meaning?


Thursday 7 September 2023



I've never set foot in a casino in my life.
Like arcades and funfairs, everybody knows that the games are rigged in their favour.
With arcades and funfairs, a visit is usually based on it being just a bit of fun, or to test your skills, and only coin values involved.
Casino's are specifically a "win big money" lure, not a lighthearted bit of fun.
You need to adopt a strange mentality to indulge in casino activity.
For example, say someone has a "spare" £5000 that they don't know what to do with, and so are willing to lose it all by a visit to a casino.
Why would they do that?
There are only 3 outcomes, and all are negative for that very person's predicament.
1.They lose all £5000 and so pass it on meaninglessly to the rigged casino.
2.They break even but they are then lumbered with the same problem of not knowing what to do with the £5000.
3.They win more money that they then also don't know what to do with because obviously the £5000 was spare in the first place and now it has been added to.
It isn't even gambling, it's more akin to thumb twiddling.


Wednesday 6 September 2023



Myself not being a motorist, I have to guess that 99% of all car crashes are caused by motorists who have passed their test.
Thousands and thousands and thousands of accidents, and yet an expert driving instructor gave them a certificate to drive.
Not a very good motoring advert, is it..??


Tuesday 5 September 2023



Certain motorists insist on letting the world see just how moronic they are.
They can't seem to get from A to B without making an idiot of themselves along the way.
I manage to get from A to B very easily with no problems at all, but then again, I'm not a motorist.
Road humps (aka moron mounds) - what a self defeat that is.
Morons speeding, leading to the prevention of speeding with these crass creations.
There they are, strewn around every city like a National Hunt racecourse made of tar.
A safe bet that those who speed are not in a rush to get to an intelligentsia meeting..!!
I'm very comfortable knowing that these structures of speed stupidity are not connected to me.
The discomfort is all yours, morons..!!


Monday 4 September 2023



Often when I receive correspondence through the post (specifically from official business sources) they sign it as being from a "team", rather than being from one person.
For example, they end with a phrase such as  - Yours Sincerely, the Electric Company Team, or Phone Company Team, but obviously using the company name.
So it got me wondering, how does an entire team set about writing this one item of correspondence?
Do they all huddle around a computer keyboard and each is designated only one keyboard letter to press ?
That would make it a team of 26 for each letter, plus say another 6 for punctuation keys.
Then when you reply, you address it back to the company team.
Do they then gather around a desk together and all 32 in the team read the reply in unison or does it get passed around one at a time ?
The people involved seem to be so desperate to get your ID info details that they have completely forgotten who they are as individuals themselves..!!


Sunday 3 September 2023



The way we receive factual news from the media has changed dramatically over the past few years.
The mainstream media seem to be in self destruct mode with what they spout, while the alternative media who do proper research increase in stature with each passing day.
One of the reasons I threw my TV out in 2011.


Saturday 2 September 2023



When someone puts in a complaint to the authorities about something, do the authorities ever consider the 1 who is complaining to be nothing other than just an embittered grump.
Often the police close something down, or stop a performance, or tell people to move on, based on having received a complaint.
For example, if a busker has an audience of 50 and everyone is enjoying the moment, why should 50 people be prevented from having harmless fun just because 1 complained about it.
If it was 1 person busking and 50 complaints were received, then that would justify stopping a performance.
It doesn't work the other way around.
If the police stop something based on 1 complaint, it gives priority to the 1 who is complaining.
Therefore if 50 people complain about the 1 who has complained, the police using their own priority system would have no option but to have the 50 be given priority, which would mean that there would be no need to stop a performance.
Embittered grumps use the concept of complaining as an excuse to stop people having fun, because they themselves don't know how to have fun.
Complaining is their substitute for fun..!!


Friday 1 September 2023



"Fact Checkers" are aptly named. 
They go check facts, then attach their fibs to them.
Anytime you see a fact checker notice, that's confirmation that what they attached it to was factual, but don't want anyone to know.
So it's easy to see the facts, the fact checkers go out of their way to point to them.
They themselves tell you so by using the very phrase "fact checker".