Wednesday 27 September 2023



I know how to quadruple Bassetts sales.
Firstly, it's not everyone who likes liquorice.
I for one, don't.
I've also observed many times, kids screwing their face up with dislike of the taste and also spitting liquorice out.
Secondly, when it comes to Bassetts Liquorice Allsorts, I have noticed that a lot of kids do like the coconut candy aspect of the sweets as they often nibble those areas off, then throw the liquorice bits away.
So to solve this, all Bassetts need to do is manufacture Chocolate Allsorts.
Everyone likes chocolate. I've never seen anybody screw their face up with the dislike of it or spit chocolate out.
If Bassetts replaced the liquorice part of their Allsorts with chocolate, it's a win win scenario.
Sales would increase x 4 and there would be no more half-chewed discarded liquorice to throw in the bin.


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