Saturday 2 September 2023



When someone puts in a complaint to the authorities about something, do the authorities ever consider the 1 who is complaining to be nothing other than just an embittered grump.
Often the police close something down, or stop a performance, or tell people to move on, based on having received a complaint.
For example, if a busker has an audience of 50 and everyone is enjoying the moment, why should 50 people be prevented from having harmless fun just because 1 complained about it.
If it was 1 person busking and 50 complaints were received, then that would justify stopping a performance.
It doesn't work the other way around.
If the police stop something based on 1 complaint, it gives priority to the 1 who is complaining.
Therefore if 50 people complain about the 1 who has complained, the police using their own priority system would have no option but to have the 50 be given priority, which would mean that there would be no need to stop a performance.
Embittered grumps use the concept of complaining as an excuse to stop people having fun, because they themselves don't know how to have fun.
Complaining is their substitute for fun..!!


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