Monday 4 September 2023



Often when I receive correspondence through the post (specifically from official business sources) they sign it as being from a "team", rather than being from one person.
For example, they end with a phrase such as  - Yours Sincerely, the Electric Company Team, or Phone Company Team, but obviously using the company name.
So it got me wondering, how does an entire team set about writing this one item of correspondence?
Do they all huddle around a computer keyboard and each is designated only one keyboard letter to press ?
That would make it a team of 26 for each letter, plus say another 6 for punctuation keys.
Then when you reply, you address it back to the company team.
Do they then gather around a desk together and all 32 in the team read the reply in unison or does it get passed around one at a time ?
The people involved seem to be so desperate to get your ID info details that they have completely forgotten who they are as individuals themselves..!!


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