Saturday 9 September 2023



The last time I set foot in a doctors surgery was in 1988 when I opted to have my ears syringed.
My earwax became blocked a bit because of the overuse of my Walkman..!!
I've never been back to the doctor, or to hospital or even a chemist since, and I'm perfectly well.
There is an element of deception involved in the everyday medical world, however.
Example 1 - if you get an ache and you choose not to go to a doctor for a checkup, it often goes away naturally after a few days.
Example 2 - with the same ache as above but you do choose to visit a doctor for a checkup, after the examination they will probably state some problem then prescribe pills.
They would then tell you to use them for a week and make a return visit for an assessment.
Once the week is up, you revisit the doctor to tell him the ache has gone and everything is fine.
This result would be attributed to the pills they prescribed of course.
But, as in example 1, if the ache just disappears naturally after a few days, it didn't have anything to do with a doctor or pills.
The natural healing process just makes it seem like it was the pills that did the trick in example 2, because they were being used for the duration of a week.
The doctor and pills end up getting credit for something they merely encroached upon.


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