Thursday 14 September 2023



We all remember the government trying to enforce "mandates" upon the populace when the phoney pandemic was in full flow a couple of years ago.
Some people, including myself, were aware that a mandate isn't a "Law", but is merely a request you can choose to obey or not.
You are not breaking a law by not agreeing to comply with a mandate.
But, and it's a big but, do the police not know this?
They have trapped themselves into a double defeat humiliation by both a no and yes answer.
If they say "No" they are not aware of this, then the police not knowing what is and isn't a law just makes them look stupid, which in turn dilutes their authority.
If they say "Yes" they are aware of this, then that also makes them look stupid because for example, they were the ones applying spot-fines when people were going about unmasked.
Police are supposed to be a law enforcement body, not robbers, and fining people for not breaking any law is robbery.
Are they going to reimburse all the people they fined for not wearing masks?
They may assess reimbursement would be them losing face!!
See their trap?


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