Tuesday, 31 October 2023

Monday, 30 October 2023



Whether it be hunger or obesity, neither is a health choice.
Both extreme opposites are wrong options and need to be avoided.
Stating the obvious, I know, and yet both still exist.


Sunday, 29 October 2023



Pretend politicians (acting it out for mainstream media) just can't stop telling lies.


Saturday, 28 October 2023



It doesn't matter who ends up Prime Minister at No.10, they all always end up revealing that they are nothing other than controlled creepy swamp creatures.


Friday, 27 October 2023



If self-styled experts started advising people to wear masks to protect against Avian Influenza, wonder how many would do so?


Thursday, 26 October 2023



I stopped drinking tea a few years ago.
Seeing the tannin stain my "stainless steel" teaspoons & ceramic cups, then knowing tannin was also used for dyeing leather, as well as making ink, didn't really make it seem very appetizing any more.
If tannin could do all that, what does it do to the inside of your body?
Not to mention the bleach used to whiten tea-bags.
Certain tea-bag brands would often sting the back of the throat during & after a cuppa.
So I didn't have any problem ending the use of tea.
Years later, I'm very pleased with that decision.
Clean kitchenware and no more stinging throat.
I also invented a new drink which I've indulged in for my after-tea years.
I call it Aqualait.
Aqua = water
Lait = milk.
Basically, a cup of tea without the tea added..!!
Hot water and milk is fairly flavourless but actually helps you taste the food better.
Could you imagine adverts for Aqualait?
Sounds quite upmarket.
Tea-bag sales might plummet..!!


Wednesday, 25 October 2023



Common sense tells you not to stand underneath a tree during a lightning storm.
However, when it comes to experts passing on information related to it, they are split in two opposing sides.
It is said that wearing shoes with rubber soles will prevent you from being injured by a lighting strike.
When checking how factually accurate this is, you find that some experts say it's true and some experts say it's false.
Stating contrary advice means they can't both be "experts", so which one is the expert?


Tuesday, 24 October 2023



I've seen a few TV crew vans gather around where I live when the nearby river bursts its banks and the surrounding area is flooded.
So thought it was quite appropriate to depict a weathervane that spells out NEWS,


Sunday, 22 October 2023

Saturday, 21 October 2023



I remember going to an exhibition at the Saatchi Gallery and rather liked the Damien Hirst spin paintings.
But, I am older than Damien, and I had beat him to spin painting by a few decades!
Around 1968/69 when I was still in primary school, I got a toy for Christmas called Spiro-Matic, which had a motorized rotating postcard holder.
They supplied paint and felt pens with it so it was just a matter of switching on the motor to get it spinning, then getting creative.
I ended up churning out lots of postcard sized psychedelic treats.
I still have Spiro-Matic which works perfectly, so recently decided to bring it out of storage and give it a few spins.
While I was at it, I knocked out 3 postcards all of which had a portrait of Damien in the centre, which I drew in felt pen.
The Spiro-Matic images now look quite contemporary in 2023 because of Hirst's work, but there is a 6 decade gap in the concept.


Friday, 20 October 2023

V/A v V&A


Back in the 1970's & 80's when record shops were commonplace, many of them used to have their A-Z record racks filed using Dymo tape to display the acts names -  ABBA to ZZ Top.
They'd also have different catagories such as jazz, classical, imports etc, using Dymo tape too.
Same for compilations albums which were usually filed under "Various Artists".
I've always thought that the term "Various Artists" would make a good, and rather amusing title for an art exhibition in a gallery.
But after all those decades passing, I've never seen the wording be used for this purpose.
So I've ended up doing my own depiction of the idea using a gigantic Dymo tape banner..!!


Thursday, 19 October 2023



Displaying ethnic diversity in cartoons is fine of course.
However, it can be so unnecessary & demeaning when such displays are presented as mere superficial token gestures.
It doesn't contribute to the understanding of the cartoon and it's also like saying that ethic people would be too dim to comprehend the subject matter otherwise.
It's not an assumption I make.
How would it be if cartoonists started writing their punchlines in different languages in order to highlight international diversity?
Would it help a multitude of ethnic varieties understand a cartoon any better if written out in Congolese or Cantonese?


Wednesday, 18 October 2023



The United Nations normally presents itself simply as the UN.
No full stop after each letter, which makes it read like it is the prefix "un".
When this prefix is attached to a word, it becomes the opposite of the word it attaches to.
So when they present themselves as the UN, they then become the opposite to whatever it is they state.
Here's a few examples of such words that describe the United Nations accurately using this prefix.


Tuesday, 17 October 2023



When so-called leaders try and enforce terror scenarios upon the populace, it is usually presented as a good v bad conflict, where the good one becomes the choice for people to want to side with and help fund.
But both sides obviously have a sales pitch that claim they are the good ones to support.
However, most often, the choice is - do you support the side who commit these attrocities or do you support the side who commit those attrocities?
It's like these supposed conflicts are organised by the equivalent of a boxing promoter.
All the money they rake in for support, defined as "Aid", is distributed only between the promoter and the those in charge of the 2 battling sides.
Those doing the actual battling only see death, and their victims see no funds.
Then that's it until the next organised fight.


Monday, 16 October 2023


I've noticed on a few occasions that when in a supermarket, and one of their freezers breaks down, there is often a large puddle of water nearby.
The thing is, the first action the staff take is to rush and get a "Caution - Wet Floor" sign to put down beside it.
Why don't they rush to get a mop & bucket first and clean it up instead?


Sunday, 15 October 2023



I took this photo not too far from where I live.
It's like the visual equivalent of an oxymoron.
I mean, beauty and barbed wire just don't go together..!!


Saturday, 14 October 2023



The general public get fined for allowing their pets to foul the streets, but it's OK for the police to have their horses do so.
They've invented shit discrimination..!!


Friday, 13 October 2023



Even when the road workers have repaired a street that's been in poor condition, by putting down a fresh tar surface on top, it doesn't take long for the same place to be back in poor condition again.
They seem to use substandard tar these days. A fresh layer on top just sinks back into the potholes they covered and the road is back to being as wobbly as ever..
Or if it's not the entire road they resurface, it ends up like an amateur patchwork quilt of band-aid fixes.
They are more like road wreckers than road repairers.
And to think when the repairs are complete, an inspector gives it an expert thumb's-up and they all get paid.


Thursday, 12 October 2023

Wednesday, 11 October 2023



When Israel got attacked recently, Netanyahu said "This is our 9/11".
Does he mean a pre-planned inside job?


Tuesday, 10 October 2023



The concept of royalty seems to be solely based on certain people behind the scenes screaming "He's King because we say he's King".
Well I wasn't consulted on the matter. How could he possibly be my King? 
It's like Tracey Emin & Saatchi shouting "It's art because we say it's art" when referring to Tracey's bed.
Well I don't see any artistic skill involved. I won't be buying the postcard.

Way back in 1983 I did this caricature of Charles when he was merely a thumb-twiddling Prince.
It's sort of Spitting Image meets Matisse..!!
His facial features are all there.
Some may see it instantly, others may need time to figure it out.


Monday, 9 October 2023



There is the Deep State looting minerals, gold & oil from the planet.
There are the thieves looting clothes, tech and food from the stores.
Both seem to be of the same low-life mindset.


Sunday, 8 October 2023



How accurately factual have mainstream media been in recent years when reporting on current affairs?
We all know the answer, but it's not all who admit to it.
As I have stated previously, I threw my TV out in 2012, but I do still know what they have been spouting, because their false reports are often referred to on non-mainstream media outlets on the internet.
Mainstream proven to be wrong time & time again which is why it is so easily mocked.
Why do they prefer being ignored or laughed at rather than being paid attention to?
It isn't intelligence at work.
They are presenting preposterous piles of piffle.


Saturday, 7 October 2023



Being bribed en masse to go to another country is not the definition of immigration.


Friday, 6 October 2023



Skin colour is not an employment qualification or skill.
For example, the qualifications and skills required to become an engineer, does not include having a pale skin specification.
Or, the qualifications and skills required to become a taxi driver does not include having a dark skin specification.
It's a superficial irrelevance.
Being a great footballer is not connected to skin colour.
Being a liar is not connected to skin colour.
Forget colour, go get qualifications and a job or hobby skill to be good at something and achieve self esteem.
Don't become a mere visual token gesture to appease phoney concepts such as ethnic diversity.
Don't have your skin colour be a mere belittling optic just for fake media purposes.
Don't allow your skin colour to be manipulated and exploited.
Ending up in an occupational position from false pretenses is not going to get you any respect.

Ignore politicians and phoney authoritative sources and listen to what people say instead.

I'm with Afrika Bambaataa when he described hip-hop as "colourless".
And so it's the same with other occupations, score out hip-hop and replace it with engineer or taxi driver or any other career in life.


Thursday, 5 October 2023



Some adults have a real difficult time understanding the basics sometimes.
So much so that they often make up a lot of crap about things because of their lack of observational awareness.
That's why such folk appear infantile and backward compared to others.

First demonstration - take a basic thing such as drawing a simple cartoon character, like they themselves would have done when in primary school.
When we use black ink on white paper to draw a cartoon figure, it's usually drawn in a simple economic manner with just a minimal outline to depict a human lifeform.
Because it is drawn on white paper doesn't mean it is a "white" person. It represents a human lifeform, any human lifeform.
But there are certain people who have hi-jacked the concept and have tried to pin a "racist" style tag onto such doodles.
Unbelievable eh?
These people would probably also try have you believe that anyone who makes a snowman must be a white supremacist..!!
Using the same illogical mindset, they would have no option but to agree that therefore a cartoon character drawn on a blackboard with white chalk, must be a depiction of a black person.

The second demonstration will probably be way too intellectual for these infantile adults to comprehend, so let's have some fun at their expense.
Our skin is on the outside of our body, and when drawing a cartoon figure, the outline is the outside of the body.
So if a cartoon figure is drawn using black ink on white paper, it must therefore be a depiction of a black person because the ink outline represents the outer skin of the body.
Ditto the reverse for the blackboard & chalk example.

I think these simple demonstrations are sufficient to remind these non-observant adults that they have evolved into someone even more childish than they were when at primary school..!!
Advice for these infantile adults - grow up..!!


Wednesday, 4 October 2023



Just thought I'd please certain authoritative organisations who demand people portray ethnic diversity in the media more often.


Tuesday, 3 October 2023



I often get the impression that when an "official investigation" is started, relating to some suspicious wrong-doing involving a prominent political figure or authoritative organisation, those who are chosen to do the investigating, are in on it.
It's as if they decide in advance to make it seem like the suspects are being investigated for the media's sake, but a prior agreement is made to have the result turn out to be "inconclusive" and no further action is required.
The supposed investigation is nothing other than a pre-planned public relations exercise where they pad out zilch for a couple of weeks before they finally state they couldn't find any conclusive proof of wrong-doing.
There's no going from A to B or following trails or even any investigating involved.
It's the equivalent of rocking back and forward on a rocking horse.


Monday, 2 October 2023



The people who tell you to stop being sarcastic are invariably the ones who trigger it in the first place.


Sunday, 1 October 2023



Satanists reckon it's OK to lie to their enemy.
Their real enemy is themselves of course and can't bear facing up to it, so they contrived a superficial enemy to project all their lies onto, which is the general public. They pretend the populace is worthless livestock to them, to be manipulated and exploited.
That's why many satanists are attracted by & connected to organisations who wield power - governments, corporations, media, medicine, law, education, entertainment, etc.
This lifeless fantasy they live is because they are all totally devoid of talent, so they need these organisations to hide cowardly behind and huddle together in safety.
They hate the fact that they lack talent and are envious of people who do have it. That's why they either try to control them to make money from, or prevent them from making a living.
Having the means to enforce their wrong decisions stems from the fact that they themselves haven't got one good idea to present.
Bitter and twisted they remain, frightened, jealous little nonentities in their phoney friendship clubs.
If you score out the word "satanist" and replace it with "failure", there you have it.
Lucifer worshiping = 0.
0 doesn't fill the big creative void they have in their noggins.
A skateboarder has more talent..!!