Sunday 1 October 2023



Satanists reckon it's OK to lie to their enemy.
Their real enemy is themselves of course and can't bear facing up to it, so they contrived a superficial enemy to project all their lies onto, which is the general public. They pretend the populace is worthless livestock to them, to be manipulated and exploited.
That's why many satanists are attracted by & connected to organisations who wield power - governments, corporations, media, medicine, law, education, entertainment, etc.
This lifeless fantasy they live is because they are all totally devoid of talent, so they need these organisations to hide cowardly behind and huddle together in safety.
They hate the fact that they lack talent and are envious of people who do have it. That's why they either try to control them to make money from, or prevent them from making a living.
Having the means to enforce their wrong decisions stems from the fact that they themselves haven't got one good idea to present.
Bitter and twisted they remain, frightened, jealous little nonentities in their phoney friendship clubs.
If you score out the word "satanist" and replace it with "failure", there you have it.
Lucifer worshiping = 0.
0 doesn't fill the big creative void they have in their noggins.
A skateboarder has more talent..!!


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