Friday 6 October 2023



Skin colour is not an employment qualification or skill.
For example, the qualifications and skills required to become an engineer, does not include having a pale skin specification.
Or, the qualifications and skills required to become a taxi driver does not include having a dark skin specification.
It's a superficial irrelevance.
Being a great footballer is not connected to skin colour.
Being a liar is not connected to skin colour.
Forget colour, go get qualifications and a job or hobby skill to be good at something and achieve self esteem.
Don't become a mere visual token gesture to appease phoney concepts such as ethnic diversity.
Don't have your skin colour be a mere belittling optic just for fake media purposes.
Don't allow your skin colour to be manipulated and exploited.
Ending up in an occupational position from false pretenses is not going to get you any respect.

Ignore politicians and phoney authoritative sources and listen to what people say instead.

I'm with Afrika Bambaataa when he described hip-hop as "colourless".
And so it's the same with other occupations, score out hip-hop and replace it with engineer or taxi driver or any other career in life.


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