Tuesday, 30 April 2024



There was a department store I occasionally went to, in which I always had to pass through the cosmetics department to get to the floor I was visiting.
If ever you needed a visual reminder of how to not look beautiful, then the cosmetics department was it.
Hideous, is the word I'd use, not beauty.
All the assistants were absolutely caked with make-up, and you could tell they'd been doing this for many years because the cosmetics chemicals had done so much damage to their faces.
The more mature ladies seemed to go as far as use the make-up to try and fill the crack & crease damage the cosmetics caused, similar to grouting with mortar.
You could see the true colour of their skin on their necks compared to their their faces which were thickly painted masks.
It had gone way beyond the idea of applying just a little touch of blusher.
I'd say the cosmetics industry is not a female's friend but their enemy.
All the gals should quit this habit. Stop falling for their fake advertising sales pitch. Stop following their guidelines. Ignore peer pressure. Stop hiding non-confidently behind the masks of make-up and be your beautiful self.
Be radiant and shine naturally.


Monday, 29 April 2024

Sunday, 28 April 2024



Spiders webs always make objects and places look ancient.
The image of a spooky old house invariably has cobwebs about the interior - on book shelves, in cabinets, on the windows, on stair hand rails, that kind of thing.
So this cliched vision always connects the presence of cobwebs to antiques and neglected old buildings.
Then when you see a spiders web in a modern setting, it still makes the scene appear like it's from the past because of this association it has, as if the items the web attaches to have been there for decades.
I once bought a pair of fashionable designer shoes but chose to not wear them for a couple of weeks until the weather was more suitable.
I put the new shoes onto my shoe rack and kept them there for about 2 weeks.
Then when the moment came to put them on, I discovered that both of the new shoes had spiders webs inside..!!
It made it seem like the shoes had been sitting there unused for many years, rather than be the modern trendy footwear they were.
It almost made me want to throw them out because they suddenly looked old fashioned.


Saturday, 27 April 2024



I've watched quite a few videos of people on safari.
And I've heard quite a few people on these videos get really upset when they witness things like a cute gazelle be caught and eaten by a cheetah.
What were they expecting to experience in a jungle environment - etiquette?


Friday, 26 April 2024



Any proof that praying works?
Does it just work for some and not for others?
Can you get someone to pray by proxy - pray on someone else's behalf?
And if praying doesn't work, who's to blame?
The same with blessing.
Some religious character does a holy cross sign towards your body, and you become blessed.
They can even bless things like water to give it healing powers.
But how many times have you seen a football player cross himself as he runs onto the pitch, only to end up getting beat.
Is praying & blessing before a football match the same as putting in a request to rig the results - in other words, cheating?
When praying and blessing doesn't work - the religious characters then blame it on the individuals "lack of faith".
How can water have faith?
So when blessed water doesn't produce any miracle cures - who's to blame?
Well the religious character who claims to have blessed it in the first place obviously.


Thursday, 25 April 2024



The fact that I once rescued an ant from a spiders web, doesn't mean I wanted to keep it as a pet.!!


Wednesday, 24 April 2024



I once had an ants nest in my backyard.
The ants were quite amusing to observe.
They were totally fearless.
I would stand nearby and they would climb all over my shoes.
When you think of the size difference between a human and an ant and how easy it is to squash them, and yet they didn't give a damn.
They'd explore my feet while I observed their behaviour.
One time, I rescued an ant that had got trapped in a spiders web.
About 8 ants had gathered around the scene where the ant couldn't free itself and they all seemed to be running around in a panic not knowing how to save their comrade.
I got a magnifying glass & tweezers and set about removing the cobweb from the trapped ant.
Very tricky it was. Needed a lot of patience, care and a delicate touch.
I managed it though, and the freed ant got back with its posse.
That was fine, but something strange then happened.
The next day, ants started arriving at my doorstep with severed fly heads, spiders legs & other bits & pieces, and just left them by my door.
They'd then go back to their nest.
I didn't know if this was some kind of feast for me as a reward for freeing one of their friends or them chucking their rubbish out and now expecting me to dispose of it for them..!!


Tuesday, 23 April 2024



Before the scarecrow got his brains from Oz, he used to paint no parking lines on the side of the road.


Monday, 22 April 2024



Just like certain words can have more than one definition, certain single letters have more than one meaning too.
Take the letter H for example - when you see it on it's own it could represent a hospital, or hydrant, or hydrogen, or a helipad, or a grade of pencil.
I mean, it could get confusing..!!


Sunday, 21 April 2024

Saturday, 20 April 2024



A comedian performs in a town in the middle of winter when it is snowing and icy.
He opens his act by saying "Brrrr" and the audience laugh because they recognise his current reference to their own town.
Then he follows it up with "It's really freezing here, isn't it? and again the audience laugh.
He goes on "Can't beleive how cold it is" but a small murmer is all there is from the crowd this time.
"I'm so cold" he continues, now with crowd silence.
He carries on "It's difficult to work in such low temperatures" and someone in the crowd shouts "rubbish".
"The cold is really getting to me" he says and the audience then start booing.
"Brrrr" he says once again and the crowd boo and shout for him to get off..!!
So, he says "Brrrr" twice but receives 2 opposite reactions.
Was "Brrrr" funny or not?


Friday, 19 April 2024



Isn't it so cringy when you see celebs think that they are influential.
They get wheel-barrowed around from TV studio to TV studio, then dumped on the fake media compost heap shows and allowed to have their shallow crap take root.
All that acting out their delusions just to get a fee for obeying their handlers instructions.


Thursday, 18 April 2024



Most people are impressed with science and what scientists discover.
What a scientist says is usually taken as facts and we generally live our lives around such findings and enlightenment.
So wonder why scientists are often portrayed as being "mad" scientists in the entertainment industry, shown as being evil weirdos rather than shown in good light?
You know, the crazy guy in a dungeon experimenting with chemicals.
A nutcase on an island creating monsters.
The crackpot inventing weapons of destruction.
A lunatic in an observatory trying to communicate with aliens.
The maniac in an hideaway building battling robots.
Etc etc.
Kids are brought up seeing these versions of mad scientists in cartoons - usually a villain in a white overall in his secret laboratory up to no good.
In real life, governments and agencies pay such scientists to do much of the nasty stuff, and if they don't comply, the scientists "disappear".
Because of these versions, it could be argued that the way scientists are presented in the entertainment industry is more accurate than the influential characters we are schooled about.


Wednesday, 17 April 2024



I am 100% fully fit and in top health because I have not taken any medication for over 40 years.


Tuesday, 16 April 2024



Air Force jets often go on low-flying exercises, and the loud noise they make can be dreadful.
Us humans can stick our fingers in our ears to block the sound out of course, but the countryside creatures can't.
They have to endure it, and their hearing is usually more acute than ours.
Must be torturous for them.
And if the noise turns them deaf, they won't be able to sign language either..!!


Monday, 15 April 2024



The wolf in sheep's clothing has evolved into a new species called a woolf.


Sunday, 14 April 2024



When a burglar sneaks into a building at night and someone informs the police while the crime is taking place, why do police cars blast their siren when rushing to get there?
How surprising is it when it is discovered that the burglar has departed the scene of the crime by the time the police arrive?
Well there's no surprise - the police informed the burglar in advance that they are on their way because of the noise of the siren.
I'd have thought a stealthy approach would be better.
The element of surprise, to catch the burglar in the act.


Saturday, 13 April 2024



The authorities are always inventing new ways to scam money from people.
Motoring is a good example - ULEZ camera fines, speed camera fines, parking fines etc.
They'd be as well just placing swear boxes on the roads..!!


Friday, 12 April 2024



Ancient cartoon joke - a brick is thrown through a window with a note attached advertising a glazier.
Modern equivalent - computer viruses invented specifically for ant-virus software sales.
Cruel equivalent - diseases manufactured intentionally to sell the cures.
Evil equivalent - wars created deliberately to sell military weapons & ammunition.


Thursday, 11 April 2024



I've previously mentioned items relating to word definitions, and how some things have wrong descriptions attached.
Well I recently got back from shopping in a supermarket which included buying a packet of Shortbread and a packet of Shortcake.
Shortbread is not bread and shortcake is not cake - they are both biscuits.
Accurate factual product descriptions??


Wednesday, 10 April 2024



I stopped drinking tea some years ago.
A short while before I did quit, I took this photo.
As you can see, the tannic acid from tea really makes a mess of teaspoons. 
If that's what it does to metal, what does it do to your sensitive body?
But that's not the main reason I took the photo of the spoons.
What got me grabbing my camera was the fact that it has "STAINLESS STEEL" stamped on them..!!!!


Tuesday, 9 April 2024

Monday, 8 April 2024



The sunlight in UK these days isn't anything like what it is supposed to be like, or even used to be like.
We now have winter glare pretty much all year round.
This kind of light glare naturally occurs during winter months then eases off into a more mellow light during spring followed by hazy light in summer then goes back to mellow for Autumn before the winter glare starts again.
Winter light glare is caused by the sun being lower down on the skyline.
So how can there still be winter light glare in the height of summer?
It's nothing to do with phoney carbon emission nonsense, so it must be intentionally artificially induced.
What is going on in the skies then that ties in with this conclusion.
Well geoengineering planes with their contrail sprays is a rather obvious one.
Spraying chemicals that reflect suns rays away.
I reckon we can put 2 + 2 together there.


Sunday, 7 April 2024



Embarrassing to see the military wave the white flag in surrender to woke bullies (especially in USA).
Now they have to follow infantile commands for fake public relations sake.
It reminds me of a comedy sketch by Monty Pythons Flying Circus - effeminate army soldiers mincing about during barrack drills.
And wonder if the new woke sailors in the Navy refer to their ship as "she" or will they claim ships have different genders?


Saturday, 6 April 2024




Whether they be from a governmental source, a corporation, a global think tank, the media or just an everyday individual, liars don't want to associate themselves with themselves.
This can be simply proven by the fact that in order to tell a lie, they have to try and convince people what they are telling, is the truth.
This in itself confirms the liar doesn't want to relate to being a liar as they have to disguise a lie as a fact.
If they stated that what they were saying was a lie, it would obviously be ignored, be irrelevant and make them look stupid.
So although they don't want to have a connection to the lie, they expect others to embrace it.
Suppose someone invented a new social media platform along the lines of Facebook, X, Truth and Telegram, and called it "Liar", nobody on the planet would be interested in joining up.
It would be a pointless excercise.
There isn't anyone who wants to relate to being a liar, and yet, there are millions of them.
Some have even turned it into a fake lifestyle.
For example, Satanists believe it's OK to tell lies to your enemy, and as many people now know, their enemy is the human race.
They tell lies 24/7.
Someone telling the truth is comfortable being questioned, but liars hate to be challenged because they have no facts to back up what they say and so experience discomfort when being exposed.


Friday, 5 April 2024



It's going to be amusing to observe just how long the globalists catchword "Sustainable" lasts before it disappears.
The babbling buffoons in government and their copy-cat business bozos, all use the same lingo in their sales-pitch.
This saturation usage is to try and normalise the word to make it appear popular, for the populace to then be duped into believing that it's authoritatively factual, convincing and persuasive.
It reminds me of the word "Solutions" from 10/15 years ago when the same thing happened.
It became so hysterically overused with supposed experts offering "Businesses Solutions", that their own copy-cat repetition killed it off.
So let's see how long they can keep the word "Sustainable" going for, before it too gets dropped from their own hyperbole.
It'll be nice and ironic too for such a word..!!


Thursday, 4 April 2024



These days, most people find themselves separating items of garbage into various categories - tin, plastic, cloth, glass etc.
This is to go along with the concept that they will then be picked up by official collecting trucks which are destined for recycling centres.
Seems decent in theory but there is one obvious problem.
Much of the separated rubbish just sit on pavements in exposed bags & boxes.
Then on gusty days, the rubbish in these open containers get blown around the streets of the neighbourhood, making the place look an even worse sight than how it looks with the multitude of open rubbish containers on display.
The collecting trucks don't stop to pick up any of the rubbish that's been blown around the neighbourhood, they just stick to their job, and if the bags & boxes are empty, that's less work for them to do.
Has anyone ever double-checked that the separated rubbish does actually end up being recycled?
I've seen videos where people have followed such trucks, only to find out the contents just end up in landfill sites..!!


Wednesday, 3 April 2024



When I was a kid, I used to go to a dentist who had his business directly above a sweet shop.
I never connected the 2 at the time but looking back at it now, it gives the impression the dentist was being parasitical in business.
Or maybe he owned both premises - like a Sweeney Todd barber / pie shop scenario..!!


Tuesday, 2 April 2024



When flies are flying, they fly the proper way up - that is - wings towards the sky and legs facing the ground.
When they enter your home they continue to fly the normal way up, and yet 99 times out of 100, they end up upside-down on the ceiling rather than proper way up on the floor.
They'd be as well flying upside-down when indoors to save them having to twist their body 180ยบ in order to land the wrong way up.
They are also the wrong way up when they die.


Monday, 1 April 2024



Instead of having April Fools Day be a time for playing pranks, it could be presented as a day to ridicule fools.
Only thing is, there are so many to choose from and they're far too mindnumbingly tiresome to acknowledge that they exist as a lifeform in the first place, it would be impossible to nominate just even 1 to mock.