Saturday 6 April 2024



Whether it be from a governmental source, a political concept, a corporation, the media or just an everyday individual, liars don't want to associate themselves with themselves.
This can be simply proven by the fact that in order to tell a lie, they have to try and convince people what they are telling is the truth.
This in itself confirms the liar doesn't want to relate to being a liar as they have to disguise a lie as a fact.
If they stated what they were saying was a lie, it would obviously be ignored, be irrelevant and it would all be a waste of time.
Not wanting to associate themselves with being the liar that they are means they have to sell it as being the exact opposite.
So although they don't want to have a connection to the lie, they expect others to embrace it.
You see, it's all a self deception and self defeat.
Suppose someone invented a new social media platform along the lines of Facebook, X, Truth and Telegram, and called it "Liar", nobody on the planet would be interested in joining up.
It would be a pointless exercise.
There isn't anyone who wants to relate to being a liar, and yet, there are millions of them.
Some have even turned it into a fake lifestyle.


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