Saturday 20 April 2024



A comedian performs in a town in the middle of winter when it is snowing and icy.
He opens his act by saying "Brrrr" and the audience laugh because they recognise his current reference to their own town.
Then he follows it up with "It's really freezing here, isn't it? and again the audience laugh.
He goes on "Can't beleive how cold it is" but a small murmer is all there is from the crowd this time.
"I'm so cold" he continues, now with crowd silence.
He carries on "It's difficult to work in such low temperatures" and someone in the crowd shouts "rubbish".
"The cold is really getting to me" he says and the audience then start booing.
"Brrrr" he says once again and the crowd boo and shout for him to get off..!!
So, he says "Brrrr" twice but receives 2 opposite reactions.
Was "Brrrr" funny or not?


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