Friday, 26 April 2024



Any proof that praying works?
Does it just work for some and not for others?
Can you get someone to pray by proxy - pray on someone else's behalf?
And if praying doesn't work, who's to blame?
The same with blessing.
Some religious character does a holy cross sign towards your body, and you become blessed.
They can even bless things like water to give it healing powers.
But how many times have you seen a football player cross himself as he runs onto the pitch, only to end up getting beat.
Is praying & blessing before a football match the same as putting in a request to rig the results - in other words, cheating?
When praying and blessing doesn't work - the religious characters then blame it on the individuals "lack of faith".
How can water have faith?
So when blessed water doesn't produce any miracle cures - who's to blame?
Well the religious character who claims to have blessed it in the first place obviously.


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