I've never owned a suit in my life and have never worn one.
I don't particularly like them and so they are not my chosen style of clothing to wear.
Same with cowboy hats and a few other items I'm not keen on.
I also don't have any real gripe about other individuals wearing such stuff - each to their own, as the saying goes.
However, guys dressed in suits, shirt & tie is such a common sight, especially in the corporate and political arena.
This dress-code display has been sold to the general public as being a "respectable" look.
When they are seen wearing these outfits en-masse though, you can tell they dress this way because they are being submissive to a concept, whether it be political, corporate, bureaucratic etc.
None of these suit wearers appear to be intelligent enough or manly enough to allow themselves to be themselves, so just end up looking like empty shells babbling hot air.
It's as if they've managed to trap themselves into believing this attire will give them a sense of superiority, and the suited look itself will be all that's required to shield them from the wrong decisions they make.
Their respectable suit advert used as visual deception.
But always remember this - these suited clones are where all the misery on the planet is derived from.
Ha..what a joke!!