Sunday 31 March 2024

Saturday 30 March 2024



Plenty of people babble a heap of nonsense to their children, like, all that coochy-coo, goo-goo gaga baby talk stuff.
And yet, they talk perfect English to their cats and dogs.
It's as if they are expecting to strike up an interesting conversation with their pets rather than with their offspring.!!


Friday 29 March 2024



Scam calls are so blatant.
You suss it straight away when some guy with a strong Indian accent calls himself Stewart or Dave or Brian.
To attach their scam to something, they narrow the field down based on the assumption that most of the populace have the same popular lifestyle habits.
Things like driving, shopping online, insurance, internet service and suchlike.
Then they start their fake sales pitch - something along the line of - we need further details of your recent car accident, or, you need to update your Amazon account, or, there is a problem with your internet service.... nonsense like that.
If you haven't observed by then that it's a scam call, you will probably go along with passing your details onto them.
But the scammers themselves never solve their problem of not knowing how to join in the real world properly, which means they are lumbered with the fake one they invented and so have to miss out on the real one they are scared to participate in.


Thursday 28 March 2024



It's a wonder that the authorities haven't yet encroached upon the concept of busking.
Where there's money to be made is usually the signal for the establishment to take control and do an overbearingly false version of it.
You know - future buskers having to attend a college course, needing to draft up a business plan, having to purchase a licence, required to pay taxes and so on.
Perhaps it's just a matter of time.
Either that or busking be outlawed..!!


Wednesday 27 March 2024



This unseen episode of Star Trek had a scene in it where the Starship Enterprise was experiencing transporter problems.


Tuesday 26 March 2024



Me not being a motorist (thank goodness) means I've never been stuck in rush hour traffic.
However, it beats me as to why they named it such in the first place.
I suppose it was originally based on the time of 8:00am to 9:00am, that being when roads were busiest with commuters heading for work.
These days though, rush hour seems to start around 6:00am and goes on endlessly all the way through for the rest of the day..
The main routes are always constantly choc-a-block with traffic as far as the eye can see, with none of the motorists ever seeming to reach their work destination.


Monday 25 March 2024



Many countries have recently synchronized their laws to deal with hate-speech.
You can be prosecuted for saying things that authorities will deliberatley interpret as being hate-speech.

Speech v Action...

Saying things is communication.
Action is a physical undertaking.
People can choose to ignore things being said but a physically active undertaking is applied by force.
Prosecution is an active undertaking applied by authorities.
So authorities who say they hate hate-speech and prosecute, are the ones who are perpetrating the actual hate-crime itself, which is worse than those who just say things.
Now then, II'm gonna say something that's true, and I really mean it - I hate marzipan.
Am I now to be prosecuted because the authorities interpret it as hating cake & sweets?


Sunday 24 March 2024



We frequently see that certain people (A) fabricate the concept of there being an enemy (B), at a snap of their fingers.
B, who was living a normal happy life and was oblivious to this, then suddenly has the burden of a threat to carry around and deal with.
Up to that point, B didn't view A as an enemy, but for B to defend themself, A now becomes the enemy of B.
This occurs in singular format (for example, a neighbour) and multiple format (for example, war).
The problem is started by A, who merely made the concept up.
Prior to this, why wasn't A living a normal happy life?


Saturday 23 March 2024



There's a lot of talk in the alternative news about politicians who use body doubles in certain situations.
Some say they are actors with latex masks, some say they are clones, some say they are studio CGI, some say they are just look-a-likes.
Putting it into context - body doubles get referred to when a politician makes a surprise appearance or makes a contrary statement, which kinda messes up the alternative narrative, hence them attributing it to a body double.
Firstly, taking the most likely one of the four - look-a-likes - it still seems strange that it can be that.
For example - if you consider a 50 year male who was the spitting image of a well known politician - how can he become infused into the political scene without anyone else knowing?
By that I mean - before being a political body double, he must have worked somewhere, was maybe married, perhaps socialized somewhere, lived in a busy neighbourhood possibly?
If he just disappeared overnight to be a body double, why would his work colleagues not notice that he's suddenly vanished, or his wife not notice or his circle of friends not notice or his neighbours not notice?
Also, the body double would still need to get on with his life to some extent, unless they kept him prisoner in a locked room..!!
So from a real life point of view, a look-a-like doesn't seem to fit the bill very well.
Second one -  an actor in a rubber mask - they could do both, act as a politician and live their own life. They themselves wouldn't need to look facially alike to the politician they play, as a mask does that for them.
Latex masks can be incredibly detailed too, which often makes it difficult/impossible to tell it from the real character.
Third one - studio CGI - could be possible for certain TV appearances like when making a statement. Would be difficult to do in an interview situation, and probably impossible to achieve in a real life scenario like a rally.
Lastly, the least likely of the four - clones - well Dolly the sheep was cloned back in the 1980's, and technology has advanced big time since then, which means it could be feasible, albeit with a touch of fantasy.
It would be kinda similar to having a twin..!!


Friday 22 March 2024

Thursday 21 March 2024

Tuesday 19 March 2024



It's strange how "time" affects people differently.
Some people spend time.
Some people waste time.
Some people keep time.
Some people do time.
Some people have a good time.
Some people have a rotten time.
The world of fashion have split time up in such a way that they dictate what's "in" and what's "out", and they don't give you a very long time to enjoy it.
Once one particular season is over, it's time to bin your garment.


Monday 18 March 2024



Some guys seem to measure how manly someone is by how violent they are.
The more fights they have and the more violent they are, the tougher they must be, according to their assessment.
As most people know though, the truth is the exact opposite.
These are the mentally weak people who crumble under their non ability to be in control of themselves.
They keep themselves in the company of those who are of the same weak disposition.
Most of what they do stems from peer pressure with the delusion that they have to impress their peers to achieve a reputation.
They even measure injuries such as scars as confirmation of toughness.
This is all self deception of course.
It's the equivalent of an alcoholic claiming that the more drink they consume, the more mature they are.
But we all know how out of touch from reality an alcoholic is.
It's as unmanly as it gets, and so too is thug life.
How many guys who ended up in hospital or jail, were full of regrets about being so weak-minded..??!!


Sunday 17 March 2024



Perhaps you have seen videos on YouTube where people in everyday life manage to escape death by a very small margin.
You know, a car veering off course and missing a pedestrian by a couple of inches.
An object falling from a high building and missing someone on the ground by a couple of inches.
A large boulder rolling down a hill and missing a car on the road by a couple of inches.
That sort of thing.
Well it got me wondering - if death brings up the grim reaper, maybe there is also a similar reaper who appears when people have had a close shave with death.
Like a warning shot..!!


Saturday 16 March 2024



Some sports gear brands and motor manufacturers have wild animals featured on their logos.
This is to represent qualities like speed, strength, fitness and power - creatures such as panthers, jaguars, horses, pumas and lions.
Being beasts that are at the top of the food chain or dominant in their natural habitat is similar to being top at your sport or fastest on the road, hence their adopted images.
However, if someone was to wear clothing with these brand logos on, all at the same time (Jaguar cap, Puma trainers, Peugeot t-shirt, Slazenger sweatpants, Ferrari jacket) it would look like they'd just been attacked in a safari park..!!


Friday 15 March 2024



I tend to be ambivalent when it comes to tribute bands.
One part of me says, yeah it's OK for a band to act out another band, especially if a band from long ago is no longer around and the tribute performance gives the audience a sense of what a gig would have been like by the original band.
A bit of entertainment for the curious and a bit of fun for the tribute band.
The other part of me says, what a waste of good musicianship. If they became their own band and composed their own tunes, they could be contributing original material to the development of music rather than just replicating music from bygone days.
Why choose to try to be somebody else when you could be presenting yourselves?
We'll never know anything about the tribute musicians musically, because they didn't allow themselves to be themselves.
They are also not "on par" with the bands they copy because the original bands were the ones with their own authentic music "ideas", not the tribute band.
A tribute band may manage to perfect note for note accuracy but the same band of musicians remain creatively blank in comparison to the original band.
I certainly wouldn't want to start an archive collection of tribute band gig tickets..!!


Wednesday 13 March 2024



Some things improve with age, and some things worsen with age.
The cartoon above is an example of the two rolled into one.


Tuesday 12 March 2024



I'm as much amused by as I am bemused by thieves who steal something as useless as jewels.  
The wrong-doing doesn't seem to be so much that they belong to someone else but more that they humiliate themselves by desiring them in the first place.


Monday 11 March 2024



The sound of a cuckoo is usually the signal that Spring has arrived.
But you wouldn't want to keep one as a pet, otherwise this will happen..!!


Sunday 10 March 2024



Once WEF have destroyed all the farmland and natural habitats in order to be in total control of world food supplies for financial gain - this is what it will look like.


Saturday 9 March 2024

WEF ... WTF?


It's hilarious to observe WEF act out the evil characters they are deluding themselves to be.
For example, as a consequence of their invented climate crisis agenda from which they then had to invent bans to go along with it to make it seem real, they have now declared homegrown food as a global threat.
Yes, the little vegetable plot at the back of the garden is soon to be outlawed.
Wonder how many dunderheads (authorities and public alike) will comply with that pile of manure WEF is spouting..!!


Thursday 7 March 2024



If you have a rival, and you really need to rub out the opposition - just use an eraser..!!


Wednesday 6 March 2024



The alternative news and citizen journalists who are usually termed conspiracy theorists by mainstream media, often refer to activities that are "going on behind the scenes".
This stems from Q, who regularly stated that the good guys were busy behind the scenes taking care of the deep state, and also proved it at times.
Q's purpose was to alert people to how fake the deep state is.
Only thing is, since Q's departure, the alternative news, citizen journalists, digital warriors etc now all have to "interpret" what's going on in the news.
I don't view them as conspiracy theorists, I see them as journalists & researchers trying to make sense of what's going on around them.
There is a kind of catch-22 aspect to this however.
What they disclose can't be considered intel or facts because the info they present just comes from the guesswork of the individuals, having to stitch prior knowledge together with their imagination.
As a consequence, some of it seems logical & accurate and some seem fantasy & way off, so there is still no real impact had in their endeavour to wake people up.
It appears that the only way to pass facts on to the dozy masses is to transfer what's going on in the background and bring it into the foreground where real life is.
Let people see the good guys in action for themselves.


Tuesday 5 March 2024



In the future, we won't have ships in bottles, it'll be spaceships..!!


Sunday 3 March 2024



We all need food & drink obviously.
However, indulging in set meals such as breakfast, lunch, tea and supper, doesn't count as doing something.
Having set meals are what we do in between doing things.
Doing things are activities like - school classes, work, chores, entertainment, sport, art and such like.
It doesn't matter if it's a kid having a packet of crisps in the school playground or a hugely expensive 10 course banquet in a palace with golden cutlery - it doesn't count as doing something.
Some people seem to vice-versa this and have meals be the main part of their lives.
So the less amount of minutes spent at food-time means it is more productive and rewarding.
Those who have banquets lasting hours are just slobs avoiding doing things.


Saturday 2 March 2024



Seeing a hi-rise building engulfed in flames recently reminded me that such buildings are given an official fire certificate before they open for business.
Public buildings have to pass certain fire regulations, such as having heat/smoke detectors installed, fire bells,fire blankets and extinguishers checked, fire exits positioned and safety drills performed.
Then after the inspectors have double-checked everything in accordance with official fire safety regulations, the building is given a certificate as confirmation.
And yet... these buildings still get overwhelmed in a blaze..!!
What worth has the certificate then?


Friday 1 March 2024



I've managed to get through my entire life without ever getting a bank loan.
It doesn't seem like a very good deal to me, so I don't see the point.
Most people go "whoopee" when they have a loan put into their account.
But say you get a £5,000 loan - your account doesn't increase by £5,000, it decreases by it.
It's -£5,000. A minus.
You instantly become £5,000 in debt, and so you are worse off.
You then end up giving the loan shark a reward (interest) as a thank-you for getting you into an even more dire financial condition than you were already previously in.