Saturday 23 March 2024



There's a lot of talk in the alternative news about politicians who use body doubles in certain situations.
Some say they are actors with latex masks, some say they are clones, some say they are studio CGI, some say they are just look-a-likes.
Putting it into context - body doubles get referred to when a politician makes a surprise appearance or makes a contrary statement, which kinda messes up the alternative narrative, hence them attributing it to a body double.
Firstly, taking the most likely one of the four - look-a-likes - it still seems strange that it can be that.
For example - if you consider a 50 year male who was the spitting image of a well known politician - how can he become infused into the political scene without anyone else knowing?
By that I mean - before being a political body double, he must have worked somewhere, was maybe married, perhaps socialized somewhere, lived in a busy neighbourhood possibly?
If he just disappeared overnight to be a body double, why would his work colleagues not notice that he's suddenly vanished, or his wife not notice or his circle of friends not notice or his neighbours not notice?
Also, the body double would still need to get on with his life to some extent, unless they kept him prisoner in a locked room..!!
So from a real life point of view, a look-a-like doesn't seem to fit the bill very well.
Second one -  an actor in a rubber mask - they could do both, act as a politician and live their own life. They themselves wouldn't need to look facially alike to the politician they play, as a mask does that for them.
Latex masks can be incredibly detailed too, which often makes it difficult/impossible to tell it from the real character.
Third one - studio CGI - could be possible for certain TV appearances like when making a statement. Would be difficult to do in an interview situation, and probably impossible to achieve in a real life scenario like a rally.
Lastly, the least likely of the four - clones - well Dolly the sheep was cloned back in the 1980's, and technology has advanced big time since then, which means it could be feasible, albeit with a touch of fantasy.
It would be kinda similar to having a twin..!!


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