Friday 29 March 2024



Scam calls are so blatant.
You suss it straight away when some guy with a strong Indian accent calls himself Stewart or Dave or Brian.
To attach their scam to something, they narrow the field down based on the assumption that most of the populace have the same popular lifestyle habits.
Things like driving, shopping online, insurance, internet service and suchlike.
Then they start their fake sales pitch - something along the line of - we need further details of your recent car accident, or, you need to update your Amazon account, or, there is a problem with your internet service.... nonsense like that.
If you haven't observed by then that it's a scam call, you will probably go along with passing your details onto them.
But the scammers themselves never solve their problem of not knowing how to join in the real world properly, which means they are lumbered with the fake one they invented and so have to miss out on the real one they are scared to participate in.


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