Wednesday 6 March 2024



The alternative news and citizen journalists who are usually termed conspiracy theorists by mainstream media, often refer to activities that are "going on behind the scenes".
This stems from Q, who regularly stated that the good guys were busy behind the scenes taking care of the deep state, and also proved it at times.
Q's purpose was to alert people to how fake the deep state is.
Only thing is, since Q's departure, the alternative news, citizen journalists, digital warriors etc now all have to "interpret" what's going on in the news.
I don't view them as conspiracy theorists, I see them as journalists & researchers trying to make sense of what's going on around them.
There is a kind of catch-22 aspect to this however.
What they disclose can't be considered intel or facts because the info they present just comes from the guesswork of the individuals, having to stitch prior knowledge together with their imagination.
As a consequence, some of it seems logical & accurate and some seem fantasy & way off, so there is still no real impact had in their endeavour to wake people up.
It appears that the only way to pass facts on to the dozy masses is to transfer what's going on in the background and bring it into the foreground where real life is.
Let people see the good guys in action for themselves.


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