Sunday, 17 December 2023



I'm the only person I know who has 2 different signatures.
What I mean by that is, I sign my name in 2 different styles, depending on what I'm signing.
I got this idea when I was in secondary school.
1st signature is a formal one, neat & tidy, with loops on the letter "G".
2nd signature is informal and is freer & looser with no "G" loops and a couple of fancy flourishes on other letters.
The 2 signatures are totally different to each other.
I'm not a schizophrenic, or a split personality, or dual identity or have any other psychological disorder.
I am of sound mind and the signatures are based on a certain logic.
The 1st signature I use for filling out official forms, signing bank cards, contracts, passport and other such authoritative paperwork.
The 2nd signature I use for signing greetings cards, writing personal letters, sending postcards and other such recreational correspondence.
I've been doing this for decades and there have been no problems.
The contrast can be simply explained.
It's the difference between going to school (& work) where we do what we are TOLD to do, and being at home where we do what we WANT to do.
The 2 situations are not the same thing.
The 1st one is based around acquiescence and the 2nd one is based on freedom.
For example, after school & work , we ditch our school uniform & workwear and change into our casual gear of our own choice.
We don't wear our school uniform or workwear 24/7 do we?
No, just a few hours a day.
That means the 2 situations (school & work) (homelife) are separate lifestyles.
Therefore the 1st signature is merely a procedural performance, whilst the 2nd signature is just being yourself.
The 1st was created by the establishment and the 2nd created by the real me.


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