Thursday, 31 August 2023



When someone proves in court that London's ULEZ Zone signs are unlawful because they don't appear in the official Highway Code guidelines, what is there to ponder over?
It's illegal, so remove them and be done with it - that is all that's required.
However, the signs have been up for a couple of years and are still there today.
Why have traffic police not noticed they are unlawful?
Why have driving instructors not noticed they are unlawful?
Why have lawmakers not noticed they are unlawful?
If traffic police, instructors and lawmakers ignore the fact that the signs are unlawful, that then confims it's OK for the general public to ignore them too.
It's impossible for the public to be breaking a law and so need not pay the ULEZ charge.
This has been verified by the 3 authorities referred to above.


Wednesday, 30 August 2023



Gulls are totally out of place in a city, especially in a location not even near the sea.
There are gulls in my town and it is many miles away from the shore.
City gulls are not searching for sea food like they ought to, are they?
They rake around bins, feast on takeaway food drunkards have thrown away the night before and hang around neighbourhoods waiting to steal food from people's gardens that are meant for city birds.
Gulls can hardly balance properly when perched on an angled rooftop.
They build nests on flat rooftops and teach their young to street scavange rather than learn the flow of tides.
Natural city birds help keep insects under control and disperse seeds, but gulls don't have any contribution to make outside of their own natural habitat.
Their loud calls don't fit in with trees, parks and shops, it is derived from an ocean environment.
They have webbed feet for a reason.

Gulls and cities don't go together - they just look stoopid..!!


Tuesday, 29 August 2023



The original lyrics of "Ebony & Ivory" have a piano keyboard as a metaphor for racial harmony.
That's OK of course.
However, using it in that sense but from a more realistic viewpoint means you have to give a thumbs up to cutting down trees to get ebony and killing elephants to get ivory.
So this version here, using a barcode instead, is much more embraceable.


Monday, 28 August 2023



In the bible, the snake represents evil / Satan.
In real life, a snake kills its victims by constriction.
In real life, a snake kills its victims by injecting poison.
Using your intelligence, does this seem like a good choice of creature to represent medicine?

Consider this...
The World Health Organization have a snake on their logo.
A snake squeezes the air out of its victims lungs.
Human equivalent -  Corona virus depriving air to lungs.
A snake injects poison into its victims bloodstream.
Human equivalent - deadly vaccine injected into bloodstream.
Does a snake really symbolize good health?

Consider this...
Ambulances and medics have a snake on their logo.
Snakes have fangs, not teeth.
Humans have teeth, not fangs.
The only character depicted with fangs is a vampire.
Vampires extract human blood and victims end up anemic.
Is a snake a good choice of creature to represent a caring medical profession?

Consider this...
Well known sayings with snake references are all negative.
To talk with a forked tongue - deceit.
A snake in the grass - betray.
A nest of vipers - treachery.
Lower than a snakes belly - lacking morals.
Snake eyes - worst possible outcome.
Would advertising agencies use such wording as slogans to sell medical products?

Having a snake represent medicine, makes it seem like those in charge of our health are not of sound mind.


Sunday, 27 August 2023


What actually happens to a mailed item that has it designated as being "lost"?
It must have ended up be somewhere.
Is mail stolen by postal workers?
If so, then the mail is not lost, it is wherever the thieves put it.
Do they employ posties who can't read and the mail ends up delivered to the wrong address?
If so, then it's not lost, it is at the wrong address.
Do they have a skip at the sorting office where they just randomly thrown mail in?
If so, then it is not lost, it is in a skip.
The only way an item can be truly lost, forever, is if they have a furnace or machine at the sorting office that evaporates mail.!
Getting a refund doesn't replace any unique content the mail may contain.
The postal service does have a "guaranteed next day delivery" service which is much more expensive than everyday postage prices.
So is the idea itself (the thought of mail being lost in post) a deliberate psychological operation to instil fear in customers in order to force many to purchase the expensive next day delivery service which they otherwise wouldn't have considered?
It is as if the thought of mail being lost in post has been normalised specifically for this purpose.
ALL mail should have a guaranteed delivery, not just select ones.


Saturday, 26 August 2023



Has well known UK TV newsreader ever had his eyes tested I wonder?
In 1973 he made the claim that he saw the Loch Ness Monster in real life with his own eyes.
But In 2001 he didn't see World Trade Centre building 7 was still standing while interviewing a reporter live about it's apparent collapse.


Friday, 25 August 2023



Masons started off "free" then entered the designer luxury market..!!


Thursday, 24 August 2023



That explains why the Daleks go around screaming "Exterminate"..!!


Wednesday, 23 August 2023



This is what happens when a sponsor becomes too dominant in what it is sponsoring.


Tuesday, 22 August 2023



As we've witnessed over the past few years, being boss at No.10 Downing Street can be a rather tenuous tenure.


Monday, 21 August 2023



The Deep State is often referred to as "they", which has a rather mysterious quality.
Nobody knows who "they" really are.
"They" hide nameless in the shadows and stay out of public view.
"They" own & control almost everything it is said.

However, "they" are there by false pretenses and their worthless lives are completely dependent on deception.
"They" are blank non entities who haven't put anything on their own timeline.
"They" delude themselves to be something "they" are not.
"They" don't want to associate with themselves.
"They" themselves are who it is "they" hate.


Sunday, 20 August 2023



The cycle goes like this...

Kid's tooth falls out > kid places tooth under pillow > fairy replaces tooth with coin > kid buys sweets off coin > sweets damage kid's teeth > kid's tooth falls out > kid places tooth under pillow...


Saturday, 19 August 2023

Friday, 18 August 2023



If you look carefully, it says OUCH!
Wonder why they are not generally available in black and white?
Oh wait a minute, we know the answer to that..!!


Thursday, 17 August 2023



The HQ of the Red Cross is located in Geneva, Switzerland.
Word on the street, however, is that the Red Cross has more to do with bandits than band-aids.!!


Tuesday, 15 August 2023



I don't do any online activity on my mobile phone. Calls & texts are all I use mine for.
I've never used an app in my life.
Mass amounts of people give the impression that they'd be lost without their mobiles, and as a consequence, they always remind me of toddlers carrying a security blanket.
I manage to get from A to B with the greatest of ease by seeing in front of my own face.


Monday, 14 August 2023


Being Scottish, I am of a pale skin colour, which is normally described as "white".
I can easily prove, however, that the white definition is not an accurate fact.
Here's a photo of my foot which I set against a white background. 
See the difference?
When I zoom in on my foot until the image shows the pixel squares, there is not one white pixel shows up. All pixel colours are a combination of pink,beige and light brown.
That's the undeniable fact, and nobody can state anything that could oppose it.
Therefore being described as white is non-observant, meaningless gibberish.
I bet if you did the same thing with a supposed "black" foot set against a black background, you'd get similar results. The pixel colours would all land in the dark brown territory.

All that black/white terminology in the first place is so superficial and irrelevant and stems from the lack of basic knowledge.
Stating the rather obvious, the different skin shades are the body's natural protection based sun ray levels. 
The origins being  - the nearer the equator, the darker the skin, the further away from the equator, the lighter the skin. Like duh..!!
Further proof it's all sun related - the palm of the hands don't face outward and so are not exposed to sun rays. The palms of a dark skinned person remain a light shade.

The dumbed-down concept of black v white people was invented by dimwits merely for social divisive purposes.

And that's the facts in black & white.



Sunday, 13 August 2023



It's been really amusing to observe mainstream media desperately trying to avoid certain facts in their news & current affairs presentations.
These are the same sources that have simultaneously made a rather obvious effort to demonize conspiracy theorists.
Wonder why?
If you score out the phrase "conspiracy theorist" and replace it with "researcher" or "investigative journalist" and such like, that's all it is.
People who study trails of data, analyse information, double-check material, scrutinise statistics and so on. All the qualities the mainstream media are supposed to present but don't.
Wonder why?

Mainstream media being "told" what to say from those manipulating them from higher up, eliminates any possibility of them having a valid voice.


Saturday, 12 August 2023



Hollywood lost the plot when they introduced product placement to movies.


Friday, 11 August 2023



Will Jamie Reid meet any anarchists up in heaven...or do they all end up in the other place.?


Thursday, 10 August 2023



To think that aliens travel billions of miles across space to reach planet earth, only to end up raking about in someones backyard.
This is all we see of them in videos anyway.
And then we're told they are of superior intelligence..!!


Wednesday, 9 August 2023



Seeing as it's the 50th anniversary of Pink Floyd's "Dark Side Of The Moon" album, here's a quirky parody of the cover.


Tuesday, 8 August 2023

Monday, 7 August 2023



The rainbow has been usurped by a spurious concept - LGBT.
The psychology behind it is one of association.
Namely, every time you see an image of a rainbow, you will associate it with LGBT, rather than as the natural atmospheric phenomenon that it is.
However, rainbow illustrations are most often associated with kiddies products, and so this is why, when we observe the LGBT crowd wearing rainbow colours, they always look so infantile..!!
It's a very immature mindset they are lumbered with.


Sunday, 6 August 2023

Friday, 4 August 2023



For those who haven't noticed - the 2 Scotland flags aren't very Scottish, to the extent that there is nothing in the "imagery" that actually pertains to Scotland at all.

There are no native lions in Scotland, let alone red ones.
The Fleur-De-Leys around the frame represent France.
So to fix it...
Out with the African lion - in with the red squirrel.
Out with the French lilies - in with the thistles.
Now it's 100% Scottish.

St Andrew was a native of Galilee and was crucified in Greece - this is what the saltire cross represents - there is nothing Scottish about it.
So replace the St Andrew cross with that of a crossbill bird, a true native of Scotland.
Now it's 100% Scottish.


Thursday, 3 August 2023



Anyone who visits a bank to ask an expert for business advice is the equivalent of a vegan visiting a butcher to ask for a veggie pie.
They are asking the wrong people.


Tuesday, 1 August 2023



Choosing to illegally cross into the USA to then spend your life camping on a sidewalk, is not much of a lifestyle vision to have..!!