Wednesday 30 August 2023



Gulls are totally out of place in a city, especially in a location not even near the sea.
There are gulls in my town and it is many miles away from the shore.
City gulls are not searching for sea food like they ought to, are they?
They rake around bins, feast on takeaway food drunkards have thrown away the night before and hang around neighbourhoods waiting to steal food from people's gardens that are meant for city birds.
Gulls can hardly balance properly when perched on an angled rooftop.
They build nests on flat rooftops and teach their young to street scavange rather than learn the flow of tides.
Natural city birds help keep insects under control and disperse seeds, but gulls don't have any contribution to make outside of their own natural habitat.
Their loud calls don't fit in with trees, parks and shops, it is derived from an ocean environment.
They have webbed feet for a reason.

Gulls and cities don't go together - they just look stoopid..!!


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