Monday 14 August 2023


Being Scottish, I am of a pale skin colour, which is normally described as "white".
I can easily prove, however, that the white definition is not an accurate fact.
Here's a photo of my foot which I set against a white background. 
See the difference?
When I zoom in on my foot until the image shows the pixel squares, there is not one white pixel shows up. All pixel colours are a combination of pink,beige and light brown.
That's the undeniable fact, and nobody can state anything that could oppose it.
Therefore being described as white is non-observant, meaningless gibberish.
I bet if you did the same thing with a supposed "black" foot set against a black background, you'd get similar results. The pixel colours would all land in the dark brown territory.

All that black/white terminology in the first place is so superficial and irrelevant and stems from the lack of basic knowledge.
Stating the rather obvious, the different skin shades are the body's natural protection based sun ray levels. 
The origins being  - the nearer the equator, the darker the skin, the further away from the equator, the lighter the skin. Like duh..!!
Further proof it's all sun related - the palm of the hands don't face outward and so are not exposed to sun rays. The palms of a dark skinned person remain a light shade.

The dumbed-down concept of black v white people was invented by dimwits merely for social divisive purposes.

And that's the facts in black & white.



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