Wednesday 5 July 2023



About 10 years I got myself a packet of surgical masks.
The thing is, I didn't purchase them for medical purposes, I actually got them for when I was doing artwork.
It was just to prevent me breathing in all that charcoal & chalk dust flying about in the air.

So forward-wind a few years into the COVID era.
Knowing in advance that it was planned, I didn't go along with the mask mandates and managed to get through the entire duration without ever having a mask on.
I did, however, have this one here in reserve that I customized with the wording FAKE VIRUS PROP.
This was just in case I had difficulty shopping and so on, but alas, I didn't encounter any problems when not wearing one, and never needed to wear this one at all.

But what better way to present the illusion of a pandemic than falsely enforcing the masses to wear masks.
Hey presto - a pretend crisis by the power of suggestion.


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