Sunday 30 June 2024



That's my humorous little blog finished.
My plan was to upload a post every day for an entire year - no missing days, no summer holiday, no breaks at all, even during the festive period.
Started on 1 July 2023 - ended on 30 June 2024.
It was mostly for fun but partly as a personal creative exercise to see if I could do exactly a years worth of material on a daily basis.
I didn't want it to go on for years & years, I just wanted it to last a short duration of time.
Some of it is serious satire, some of it is surreal silliness.

So, mission complete.

That's all from me.


Friday 28 June 2024



The concept of "safety in numbers" doesn't pertain to shoals of fish when fishing nets are deployed.


Wednesday 26 June 2024



People often use clouds as a way of representing how they feel.
When people are happy, extatic, pleased, they say they are on cloud 9.
When people are troubled, depressed, worried, it is said they are clouded over or under a cloud.
When people are out of touch with reality, they are described as being up in the clouds.
When people are confused, muddled, they are defined as cloudy.
So people seem to conjure up a cloud above their head whether they are cheery, gloomy, detached or perplexed.


Tuesday 25 June 2024


UK has just had the coldest June on record.
The exact opposite of what the climate crisis pretenders shout.
Global warming?
Seas are boiling?
Don't believe the hype..!!


Monday 24 June 2024



It's really rather embarrassing when bands find themselves in a position of having to give press conferences to mainstream media outlets.
This has been brought about by the musicians surrendering any dignity they had, to their handlers.
You know, the record industry who take control of musicians for them to be put through the industry money-making machine, where the more publicity there is, the more dosh there is to be made.
Really shallow stuff, and nothing to do with creating music of course.
So off the band go, doing the media biz rounds, everybody involved pretending it's all important.
Old punk bands used to hate superstar bands who indulged in such antics, but some punk bands caved in under the pressure too and ended up doing what they once said they hated.


Sunday 23 June 2024



When all the covid-vax criminals have been rounded up and put on trial for crimes against humanity, always remember this - their sales pitch for the vaccine was "safe and effective".


Friday 21 June 2024